Dr. Ajith Abraham

Chair Speaker,
Director of Machine Intelligence Research Labs(MIR Labs),

As an Investigator / Co-Investigator, he has won research grants worth over 100+ Million US$ from Australia, USA, EU, Italy, Czech Republic, France, Malaysia and China.<!–more–> Dr. Abraham works in a multi-disciplinary environment involving machine intelligence, cyber-physical systems, Internet of things, network security, sensor networks, Web intelligence, Web services, data mining and applied to various real world problems. Dr. Abraham has more than 37,000+ academic citations (h-index of 91 as per google scholar). Since 2008, Dr. Abraham is the Chair of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Soft Computing (which has over 200+ members) and served as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Computer Society representing Europe (2011-2013).

Dr. Valentina Balas

General Chair,
Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad,

She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Electronics and Telecommunications from Polytechnic University of Timisoara since 2003. She is author of more than 140 research papers in refereed journals and International Conferences. Her research interests are in Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Control, Soft Computing, Smart Sensors, Information Fusion, Modeling and Simulation, Electronics, Measurements and System Theory. She is Editor-in Chief to International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP), member in Editorial Boards for national and international journals, serves as reviewer for many International Journals and conferences and is evaluator expert for national and international projects She participated in many international conferences as General Chair, Organizer, Session Chair and member in International Program Committee.

Dr. Amir H. Gandomi

Professor of Data Science at the faculty of Engineering & Informative Technology, University of Technology,

Prof. Gandomi has published over one hundred and eighty journal papers and seven books which collectively have been cited more than 15,000 times (H-index = 57). He has been named as one of the most influential scientific mind and Highly Cited Researcher (top 1%) for three consecutive years, 2017 to 2019. He also ranked 18th in GP bibliography among more than 12,000 researchers. He has served as associate editor, editor and guest editor in several prestigious journals such as AE of SWEVO, IEEE TBD, and IEEE IoTJ. Prof Gandomi is active in delivering keynotes and invited talks. His research interests are global optimisation and (big) data mining using machine learning and evolutionary computations in particular.

Dr. Prihandoko

S.Kom MIT, PhD.
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universitas Gunadarma,

Prihandoko received his Bachelor of Computer Science from University of Indonesia (1991), Master of Information Technology (1999) from The University of Queensland, Australia, and PhD (2003) from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Since 1995 he has been working at Gunadarma University, Indonesia as a lecturer. At present his position is Deputy Director of Doctoral Program. He has been a reviewer of many international conferences and research proposal grants. His research interest now is on knowledge-based system, artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, deep learning. Prihandoko received his Bachelor of Computer Science from University of Indonesia (1991), Master of Information Technology (1999) from The University of Queensland, Australia, and PhD (2003) from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Since 1995 he has been working at Gunadarma University, Indonesia as a lecturer.

Mr. Stephan Van der Merwe

CTO, GP Sourcing Pvt Ltd,

Mr. Stephan did his B.Sc with Computer Science and Mathematics in the North-West University in South Africa from 1991 until 1993 and started as a junior programmer at a big Insurance company in Cape Town. His career included teaching programming at an NGO in India (1998-2002), freelance programming, developing a student management system single-handedly (2002-2003), being a SAP HCM consultant implementing Payroll systems (2003-2007) and being a Technical manager and later General manager for a Pvt Ltd company in Chandigarh. (2007-2013) Since 2014 He is serving as the CTO for GP Sourcing Pvt Ltd (a Covalience Company) which is in the IT Park, Sector 67, Mohali.

Dr. Iman Rahimi

Faculty of Engineering,
Malaysia Putra University Selangor, Malaysia

His research interests include machine learning, optimization, and supply chain management. He has edited a book entitled: “Evolutionary Computation in Scheduling” with Wiley. He acts as an editor for journals of: “Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering (CRPASE)”, “International Journal Renewable Energy Technology (IJRET)”, and “International Journal of Advanced Heuristic and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms”. Also, Iman acts an editor and co-editor of the books for some prestige publishers (“Elsevier and Taylor & Francis”).

Dr. Elvira Bolat

Director of Accreditation,
Principal Academic in Marketing, Global Engagement Lead(Marketing) Branksome, Poole,
United Kingdom

Dr. Elvira Bolat is Principal Academic in Marketing and a Director of Accreditation, leading and managing a portfolio of global and national accreditations, at Bournemouth University (BU) Business School. As a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Elvira is an expert in digital marketing, online, and blended learning pedagogies delivering education across various levels of studies, including the delivery of short-term continuous professional development and online courses. As part of her technology-enabled learning initiatives, she has contributed to the development of the content for the digital module on ‘Blended Learning,’ designed by Epigeum to help Higher Education educators in developing and delivering discipline-based pedagogies enhanced by the use of technology.

Dr. Emmanuel Mogaji

PhD. The University of Greenwich,

Dr. Emmanuel’s primary areas of interest are ABCDE of Marketing Communications – Advertising | Branding | Communications | Digital | Ethics. He has studied attitude towards brands and advertisement through various media such as print and social. He published peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and presented his works in a large number of national and international conferences. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), which demonstrates his teaching philosophy and commitment to encouraging experiential learning. He believes in giving students the opportunity to learn by doing, to think outside the box and to challenge norms. This process critically engages students in real-life applications of what they have learnt. Emerald Literati Award for article “Surprise me with your ads! The impacts of guerrilla marketing in social media on brand image” published in Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.

Dr. Kalaivani Chellappan

Faculty of Engineering & Builit Environment University Kebangsaan,

Kalaivani Chellappan Specializes in Healthcare Engineering. Her current research interests are Cardiovascular Engineering Modeling, Internet of Things in Healthcare and Data Modeling & Analytics. Seeing innovation and creativity in human development brings excitement and satisfaction in her and as such she has devoted her life to teaching and research. She often surrounds herself with youth who are passionate towards true knowledge in order to engage and encourage them towards identifying their inner talent. Her working experience over 25 years includes engineering and education in both private and public sectors. A holistic knowledge in management, engineering technology, healthcare and IT provides her the opportunity to be creative in supporting organizations to realize the modern empowerment of science. Talent building and management empowerment through sustainable knowledge are the core values embedded in all her project deliveries.